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Tellabration! is an international celebration of story. Libraries, historical societies, churches, book stores, museums and community organizations have found Tellabration! to be an exciting and enriching addition to their program offerings. In collaboration with the Connecticut Storytelling Center, each Tellabration! can be customized to appeal to an organization’s specific mission and audience.

Jane Torrey Telling at Waverly Center, Portland, CTTellabration! is a collaborative effort between The Connecticut Storytelling Center and your organization that can build interest and participation for both of us. The Connecticut Storytelling Center supplies the storytellers who perform at your site. It is important that we schedule your Tellabration! for the audience that is most appropriate for what you normally do, at a time when your patrons are used to coming to your facility.

Our storytellers can accommodate audiences of any age: Littlest Listeners (ages 2 – 4), Children aged 5 – 12, Families, or Adults.

We have programs that focus on multicultural folk tales, history, personal life experiences, songs that tell stories, the environment/nature, or stories tailored to your organization’s needs.

Peg Donovan Wuth Teachers At a Tellabration 2015

A new twist on Tellabration! will be of particular interest to Senior Centers and Historical Societies who want to collect oral history from their members by putting out a call for people to come on a given date in November to share stories about their town.

The Connecticut Storytelling Center provides a facilitator who will tell a short story based on Connecticut history followed by an open-ended, but structured story sharing time with the audience about the town's history as seen through the people's eyes. The facilitator will prompt the audience’s memory by asking questions about what it was like when they were children, major events that they lived through, and changes they have seen.

Ann Shapiro At a Jewish Community Center Tellabration in 2015
  • The Connecticut Storytelling Center will provide:
    Bios and photos of your storytellers
    Press release for your local publicity
    PDF of a poster for your site’s performance(s)
    Statewide, general publicity
    Audience Building Guidelines
    Email blast to The Connecticut Storytelling Center list
    Listing of Tellabration! sites on The Connecticut Storytelling Center web site

    You will:
        Send press release to local newspapers, radio, cable t.v.
        Email blast to your members, clients, patrons
        List your Tellabration! on your web site
        List your Tellabration! in your newsletter
        Display poster locally

    Our standard financial arrangement is that each site pays a fee of $450 to The Connecticut Storytelling Center for our services and two performers.

    For a fee of $275, we will provide one teller.

    Another way to produce a Tellabration! is to charge admission. Tickets are typically $10 for adults and $5 for children. Admission fees can be split between The Connecticut Storytelling Center and your organization.

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CT Visit Greater New London/Norwich Northeast Storytelling The National Storytelling Network The Graduate Institute The New Jersey Storytelling Network
