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Once Upon A Time, So Long Ago, Nobody But The Storytellers Remember
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Make A Donation


All donations are appreciated, one time or recurring. Thank you!

Connecticut Storytelling Center
Help support our mission to promote the living art and
use of storytelling in the many environments of our diverse society.

You can choose the amount you wish to give
and make it a one-time donation, monthly or annual.

One-Time Donations
I would like to make a donation to the Connecticut Storytelling Center:
Support Levels

Recurring Donations
I would like to make recurring donations to the Connecticut Storytelling Center.
Recurring Donation Option 1

Recurring Donation Option 2
$25.00 monthly donation

Leave A Storied Legacy

Whether you think of your financial legacy as large or small, gifts of all sizes make a difference to the Connecticut Storytelling Center. You can establish a will or estate plan based on your own financial circumstances to ensure that your designated assets go to the charity of your choice. People from every walk of life now embrace charitable giving. Even a modest gift can make a big difference!

There are many ways to include The Connecticut Storytelling Center in your estate plans. Planned giving is the process of making a charitable gift in your will or estate to a non-profit organization. Planned gifts are usually deferred. This means they are arranged now by creating a provision in a will to make a behest and fulfilled later.
Gifts are tax deductible.

Join the Storied Legacy Circle today.
This circle has been established to create additional financial resources for the long term needs of the Connecticut Storytelling Center and lasting economic stability, despite economic conditions. As a member you will be honored for your commitment to The Connecticut Storytelling Center's mission to promote the living art and use of storytelling in the many environments of our diverse society.

Interested in contributing to a bright future for The Connecticut Storytelling Center?
We can help you explore options and work with your professional advisors to make the right gift for you.

Learn more

The Connecticut Storytelling Center
Phone: 860-934-8165
Email: info@connstorycenter.org

Thank you for considering us in your financial plans.

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CT Visit Greater New London/Norwich Northeast Storytelling The National Storytelling Network The Graduate Institute The New Jersey Storytelling Network
