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Contact: Connecticut Storytelling Center



Our storytellers are ready to celebrate America's 250th Anniversary! We have tellers who portray historical figures, perform stories about historical events and people, sing songs from various periods of American history, and sing original songs about historical incidents and characters.

The mission of the Connecticut Storytelling Center is to promote the living art and use of storytelling in the many environments of our diverse society.
The Connecticut Storytelling Center sponsors:
  • The Annual Connecticut Storytelling Festival in downtown New London in April.
  • An active Schools Program closely related to curriculum needs, in several Connecticut school districts.
  • Workshops for storytellers and teachers during the academic year.
  • Tellabration! – A series of storytelling concerts for all ages, every November. Tellabration!™ Is part of an international celebration of stories.
  • ConnTELL – A directory of storytellers with descriptions and contact information.
  • A network of Story Sharing Groups that generally meet monthly.
  • Occasional special concerts and workshops.

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We are so grateful for the foundations that are supporting the important work we do at the Connecticut Storytelling Center! The following foundations have provided funding in 2023-2024:

The Stocker Foundation and the Ion Bank Foundation for our Start With Stories program at Bristol Elementary Schools,

The Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts for our Start With Stories and Littlest Listeners programs at programs in Bristol, Wolcott and Waterford,

The Robert Schumann Foundation for our Environmental Literacy program in Bristol, Wolcott and Waterford,

The SBM Charitable Foundation, the New Alliance Foundation, the Ensworth Charitable Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Co-Trustee for our Start With Stories program at the O’Connell School in East Hartford and the Hockanum Early Childhood Center,

The Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee for our Littlest Listeners program in Groton,

The Community Foundation of Middlesex County and the Middletown Commission on the Arts for our Littlest Listeners program in Middletown Preschools,

The Barnes Foundation, American Savings Foundation, and Community Chest of New Britain and Berlin for our Start With Stories program in New Britain Elementary schools,

The Richard Davoud Donchian Foundation and the Woodward Fund, and the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut for our Littlest Listeners program in New London preschools,

The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut, the Charter Oak Credit Union Community Giving Fund, the Dime Bank Foundation, and the Gernon Trust for our Littlest Listeners program in Norwich preschools,

The Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut Foundation, Eastern CT Regional Tourism and CT Humanities, the Chelsea Groton Bank and the New London Kiwanis Club for our annual festival.

Sustaining support has also been provided to the CSC from the Department of Economic and Community Development/Office of the Arts, which also receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

CT Visit Greater New London/Norwich Northeast Storytelling The National Storytelling Network The Graduate Institute The New Jersey Storytelling Network
